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My Favourite Shop POS

Register screen

After downloading the application, you will have two different options to use it: as a CLIENT of nearby businesses or as a BUSINESS OWNER.

1 - Accep terms, conditions and privacy policy

You will need a Facebook or a Gmail account (to use the app as CLIENT) or a valid email account (gmail account recommended) if your´re going to use the app as a business owner.

2 - Access as a CLIENT

This option will allow you to use the app to contact nearby businesses, access their catalog and view offers in real time.

3 - Access as Business OWNER: register your POS

In case of using the app as a BUSINESS OWNER, enter the name of your store, a valid email and password.

Fill in the three fields correctly and, after a satisfactory registration, access the most complete point of sale, simple to use and powerful that you will find.

4 - Do you have account? Already registered?

As BUSINESS OWNER, Use this option to navigate “Login Screen” if you already have a registered account.

Register screen

Login screen

1 - Login as CLIENT

Use your registered Facebook or Gmail account to login My Favourite Shop.


Use your registered email and password to login the app.

3 - Navigate to Register Screen

If you don’t have a registered account yet, you can register your business on the Register screen.

4 - Forgot password?

You can also retrieve your password if you have forgotten it. The system will send you a message to your email for change/reeboot your account password.

Login screen

After successful registration, we will see how easy it is to configure our POS and the many options that My Favorite Shop offers you. Let’s start!